Cruise America Resales
So after spending a couple of months now looking through Craigslist ads, and visiting two older RVs for a look-see, I'm thinking I might bite the bullet and go with a Cruise America resale, specifically the Thor Majestic 19g. I've known about he Cruise America resales for a while - I ran into them early in my motor home research - but I've only recent;y begun to seriously consider them. I'd written them off earlier for two main reasons: Price - these unit run anywhere from $26,000 to almost $30,000. That's considerably more than the max $15,000 I was looking to spend on a used one. Miles - these things come with a stack of miles, anywhere from 130,000 on up. These two factors had me eliminating Cruise America as a potential source. But I've begun to change my mind. For one thing, I did a bit or research, and although I can find plenty of people cautioning against buying a Cruise America resale for the very reasons I listed above, non of these nay-...